Cheek Fillers

~ with Dr Chike Emeagi

Cheek Filler Treatment at Kensington Skincare Chelsea

Experience the allure of sculpted, youthful cheeks with our transformative cheek filler treatment. Our expert practitioners delicately administer premium fillers, enhancing contours and restoring lost volume to rejuvenate your appearance.

Elevate your natural beauty as our tailored approach brings harmony and symmetry to your features, providing a subtle yet striking enhancement.

With minimal downtime, this versatile procedure offers immediate results, accentuating your cheekbones for a radiant, refreshed look.

Embrace the confidence that comes with defined, sculpted cheeks, and embark on a journey towards a more vibrant and revitalized you with our enchanting cheek filler treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Cheek fillers are injectable gels containing substances such as hyaluronic acid or biocompatible materials.

    When administered by a trained practitioner, these fillers add volume to the cheeks, enhancing contours and restoring lost facial fullness.

    The filler is delicately injected into targeted areas of the cheeks, sculpting and rejuvenating the appearance for a more youthful and revitalized look.

    This non-surgical cosmetic procedure provides an effective solution for individuals seeking to enhance their cheek contours and achieve a more harmonious facial appearance.

  • The duration of cheek filler results can vary, but typically, they last between 12 to 24 months, depending on the type of filler used and individual factors such as metabolism and lifestyle.

    Regular maintenance treatments can help sustain the desired volume and contours in the cheeks over time.

  • Yes, all cheek filler treatments at Kensington Skincare Chelsea are performed by Dr. Chike, a highly trained and experienced practitioner, ensuring safety and exceptional results.

    Cheek filler treatments are generally considered safe. The use of hyaluronic acid-based fillers, a substance naturally found in the body, contributes to their safety profile.

    However, like any medical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects, such as bruising, swelling, or infection.

    It's crucial to choose a reputable practitioner, discuss your medical history, and follow pre- and post-treatment care instructions to minimize any associated risks.

    Always prioritize safety by seeking treatment from licensed professionals in accredited facilities.

  • During a cheek augmentation appointment, several key steps typically occur:

    Consultation: The practitioner will discuss your aesthetic goals, assess your facial anatomy, and review your medical history to ensure you are a suitable candidate for cheek filler treatment.

    Preparing the Area: The treatment area will be cleansed, and a topical numbing cream or local anaesthetic may be applied to minimize discomfort during the injection process.

    Injection: Using a fine needle or cannula, the hyaluronic acid fillers will be strategically injected into the cheek area to enhance volume and contour.

    Massage and Assessment: After the injections, the practitioner may gently massage the treated area to ensure the filler is evenly distributed and assess the results to make any necessary additional adjustments.

    Post-Treatment Care: You'll receive guidance on post-treatment care, including avoiding strenuous activity, applying cold compresses to reduce swelling, and refraining from touching or applying pressure to the treated area.

    It's important to note that the specific process may vary based on the individual's needs and the techniques utilized by the practitioner. Always follow the aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner to optimize the results and minimize any potential side effects.

  • Yes, cheek fillers can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, upper face Botox, or skin rejuvenation treatments, for comprehensive facial enhancement.

    This includes other dermal fillers such as nasolabial folds, tear trough filler, nose to mouth lines, jawline filler, marionette lines, smile lines, which can all help with improving the facial symmetry.

  • Enhanced Volume: Dermal Fillers can restore lost volume in the cheeks, addressing signs of aging and creating a more youthful appearance.

    Contoured Definition: By strategically adding dermal fillers, cheekbones can be accentuated, providing a sculpted and defined facial contour.

    Improved Symmetry: Dermal Filler can help correct asymmetry in the cheeks, leading to a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance.

    Reduced Wrinkles: Filling the cheeks can also have the secondary effect of reducing the appearance of certain wrinkles and fine lines in the mid-face area.

    Non-Surgical Solution: Cheek dermal filler offers a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures, providing noticeable enhancement with minimal downtime.

    Customizable Results: The amount and placement of dermal filler can be tailored to your specific facial anatomy and aesthetic goals, allowing for personalized and natural-looking results.

  • Non surgical treatments such as Cheek filler treatments may entail some side effects, including:

    Bruising: Mild bruising at the injection site is common and typically resolves within a few days to a week.

    Swelling: Some swelling may occur, particularly in the immediate aftermath of the procedure, but it generally subsides within a few days.

    Redness: Temporary redness or tenderness at the injection sites may occur but typically resolves quickly.

    Discomfort: Minor discomfort or sensitivity at the injection sites is possible, but it is usually temporary.

    Infection: While rare, there is a potential risk of infection at the injection sites. Adhering to aftercare instructions can help minimize this risk.

    Allergic Reaction: Though uncommon, allergic reactions to dermal fillers are possible. It's essential to discuss any known allergies with your practitioner before the treatment.

  • The cost varies based on the specific treatment plan and type of filler used. For detailed pricing information, please contact our clinic or visit our pricing page.

  • Yes, hyaluronic acid fillers used for cheek enhancement can be dissolved using an enzyme called hyaluronidase if necessary.

  • Cheek filler treatment is ideal for individuals seeking to enhance the volume, definition, and overall more contoured appearance of their cheeks. Dermal filler injections are well-suited for those looking to address age-related volume loss or wanting to achieve a more sculpted facial profile. Candidates who are in good overall health and have realistic expectations regarding the outcomes of the treatment are typically considered suitable for cheek filler injections.

    If you are considering cheek dermal filler treatments, it's important to consult with a qualified and experienced practitioner to determine your candidacy. Whether you're looking to restore cheek volume loss or add subtle enhancement, cheek fillers can be a versatile solution. Book a consultation today to explore the transformative possibilities of this cheek filler procedure.

  • You can typically expect to see immediate results after your cheek filler treatment. However, it's important to note that there may be some initial swelling and possibly minor bruising, which can temporarily obscure the final outcome. Once any swelling subsides, which usually takes a few days, you should be able to fully appreciate the enhanced volume and rejuvenated contours of your cheeks. Remember, individual experiences may vary, and optimal results often become more apparent as the treated area fully settles over the following weeks. If you have any concerns about your cheek filler results, don't hesitate to reach out to your practitioner for further guidance.

  • Before the cheek filler treatment, it's advisable to avoid blood-thinning medications or supplements to minimize the risk of bruising. Aftercare involves refraining from excessive facial manipulation, intense exercise, or exposure to extreme temperatures for a few days. It's also important to follow any specific post cheek fillers treatment instructions provided by the practitioner to ensure optimal healing and long-lasting results.


Kensington Skincare Chelsea

@Velveteen London

Lower Ground Floor

SW10 9PZ

Tel: 07869730159

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